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french leave 不辭而別〔源出法國18世紀的習俗,參加宴會的客人可不辭而...

french letter

But as i was certain i should not be allowed to leave the enclosure , my only plan was to take french leave , and slip out when nobody was watching ; and that was so bad a way of doing it as made the thing itself wrong 但是我知道他們肯定不讓我離開木屋。惟一可行的辦法就是不辭而別,趁人不備時,偷偷溜出去。這使得本身是對的事情因做的方式不對也變成錯的了。

In the 5 - 1 victory at old trafford , the 25 - year - old french left - back produced his best showing in a united shirt since arriving from monaco in january 在老特拉福德上演的那場5 - 1的完勝中,這位25歲的法國籍左邊后衛奉獻出了自從他1月加盟曼聯以來最精彩的表現。

My dear senator , it may be customary out on the prairie to take french leave of people and not show up for five hours 我親愛的參議員,你或許會常常不告而別地闖進草原,五個小時不出現吧。

He stole away an irishman ' s bride , and took a french leave of me and his master 他拐走了一位愛爾蘭人的新娘,并且背著我和他的主人私自逃走了。

Take french leave 不告而別

Many of the boys at the school took french leave to go to the football match 錯譯:學校里很多孩子象法國人一樣告別去看足球比賽。

The young soldier was punished for taking french leave to visit his girlfriend 那位年輕士兵因擅離職守去會見女友而受到了懲罰。

You are my air . french leave . and i can not breathe forever 你就像空氣,你消消地走了,而我卻無法呼吸。 。

French leave , as they say 正如人們所說,我是不辭而別了。

I took french leave during the dinner party 在晚宴上我不辭而別。

He took french leave during the dinner party 在晚宴上他不辭而別。

Did she take french leave at the party last saturday 她在上星期六的宴會中不告而別嗎